Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Honeymoon's over

Today, there was a palpable difference in the attitudes of my students. The mystery and wonder of just what AP Statistics is has worn off. College application deadlines are no longer small specks off in the distance. Summer is now a long time ago. The senior fall outdoor trip is a fading memory. We are six weeks into the new school year and the word "new" no longer applies as a modifier for "school year".

Here we are. Here we go.

The students by now should fully understand the expectations and demands of this course. As they juggle the many demands on their time, they are likely finding it a bit harder to give as much attention as they might want on certain subjects, such as AP Statistics.

I do not think their dedication has flagged, but I think the flood of work that comes in the first semester of the senior (or, in a few cases, junior) year is wearing them down. So while they still aspire to certain outcomes, their energy is lower.

A few did not have their homework complete today. This even after I made a conscious effort to lighten the load. The spark was not quite as bright today in class, the attention not as sharp.

In reflecting on my use of class time, I know that I have kept it varied. They just completed a group project. This was an assessment that had a very different feel from the tests. They found their own data and used technology (StatKey and Google Spreadsheets in addition to their graphing calculators) to analyze their data. Then they wrote meaningful conclusions based on their statistics and displays. I have already evaluated their work and returned it. And, because I want them to produce the best possible work they can, I have given them the opportunity to improve on their work and re-submit it for a potentially better grade.

So, I am not taking the change in mood personally; I am not taking it as a repudiation of my teaching or of the course. No, I think it's just the normal rhythm of the senior year. At least for the near future, it will be an extra challenge for the students. Can they grind through it until the mood brightens?

Fortunately, for students and teachers alike, our two-day Fall Break is this weekend. Timing is everything.

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